A love note to COFFEE beans

Elora Majumder
3 min readSep 27, 2021

I remember the first time I met you. I was young and naive to the likes of you, and my parents didn’t quite approve of our meeting. They said that I was too young for you. At first, I had to agree. You were more bitter than I expected, and I didn’t know if I was ready to let that bitterness into my life. Of course, a little bit down the road I decided to give you a chance, and that is when I became addicted.

Every time it feels like my world is about to come tumbling down, I find myself reaching for the jar of YOU on the top shelf. As I unscrew the lid, and put three heaped spoonsful into the YOU maker, I begin to feel calm again. The enchanting aroma of YOU transports me to another universe which I call only my safe space. What steam inhalation does to a blocked nose, the aroma of YOU does to brain.

Today, two billion cups of YOU are consumed every day, across the globe.

You happened to be in my life, regularly, since the university days by way of the sickly sweet, milky brews available at the canteen. I got some good partners and long chit chat just by holding YOU in my hand. I started going to canteen in the morning because I liked how people nonchalantly dropped a “I can’t function without coffee” ever so often. YOU in hand in the morning felt like the standard initiation into adulthood.

While the act of catching up with my thoughts or friends over a cup of coffee is a nostalgic, restful act of self-care, the most obvious explanation is caffeine’s stimulant properties – that zap me awake on the gloomiest days.

The best thing about YOU is that, YOU come in various forms and flavours. I can have YOU in most flavours but my favourite way of YOU coming in my hand is in Hazelnut flavour. Having YOU in cafes I prefer the takeaways that are specially designed for containing you and at home you come in my curvy white mug.

There are so many ways that YOU help the world. Having you with brewed oats makes a delicious breakfast and applying you on hair makes the roots grow and works as a natural conditioner. YOU are useful for plant fertilizers and also as skin scrubs that would make the skin glowing.

I really want to thank you for all good moments that I had and continue having holding you in my hand. Especially the ‘me times.’ Listening to favourite songs, watching short series and stand up comedies, thinking about the good things that happened in a particular day, especially my gloomy and sad days turn into a cheerful one. You’ve surely played an important role in all the way.

Thanksgiving and Coffee Go Hand in Hand

I’ll be glad to be called a coffee aficionado. I love YOU. I just love all of YOU, every part of YOU. I love that a prominent drinking apparatus exists to hold exactly one type of beverage. All other drinking apparati are used for so many different types of beverages. The aroma of YOU is a feeling that cannot be beautifully expressed in words in every way. You motivate me. When I am feeling uninspired I know to turn to you. It seems no matter how stressed or exhausted I am, YOU find a way to keep me going.

My endless love for you will always remain …..



Elora Majumder

Specialises in Economics and International Business. Interested to work in different fields along with an enthusiasm for writing on different lifestyle topics.